For many recruiters the assessment stage of the recruitment process is dreaded, yet for both the recruiter and the candidate it is a necessary evil. Psychometric testing and cognitive exercises for candidates are seen by certain recruiters as the client's opportunity to trip up a great individual who is perfect for their business. This of course is utterly ridiculous. However, it has been influenced over the years by recruitment consultants who towards the end of the month have that important placement hanging by a thread, and due to the upcoming assessment day with HR everything hangs in the balance. The results of numeracy and literacy tests and personality profiling can be the deciding factors over whether a recruiter has a successful month or not.
Thankfully, attitudes are changing. There is a maturity being cultivated and long-term partnerships with both the client and the recruiter is the new order. There is an understanding that the assessment stage is highly important and that it is not about making a placement and moving on, but more about finding those behavioural tendencies that can potentially be counterproductive. Discovering potential risk factors in a candidate's personality during the assessment stage prevents recruiting individuals not suitable for certain positions or, crucially, the business. Without a crystal ball and seeing how that new recruit will perform over the coming year there is a need to cut out the guesswork and find a way to mitigate risk.
Should there be more robustness in the job analysis stage? And what really matters in the role and the person specification for that role? Understanding and pinpointing the personality of the right candidate for a role from the outset will deliver to the client greater results at the assessment stage. The recruitment process failing repeatedly and dragging on for months can be prevented by having a greater understanding of the right personality type for a role. Getting it right first time and creating continuous improvement in the recruitment process is obvious; however, it is continuously left to chance. The recruiter has such an important role to play in candidate assessment, and it begins with a deep understanding of the client. Brokering a partnership of trust between both parties is the key element that helps the recruiter understand the client, their culture, and the direction the business is moving in. Like unlocking a heavy door in a walled garden that opens so many possibilities on the other side.
Clients want to know more about the people who will be joining their businesses, and at the senior level it does seem that three to four hours of interviewing and a presentation is simply not enough. The cost of recruitment fees and the onboarding of a senior appointment can range from £30,000 to £100,000, so getting the recruitment wrong creates a serious financial threat to the business.
The recruitment process can work perfectly when all parties collaborate seamlessly together, bringing the right talent through to the assessment stage. Recruiters can play a significant role within a client’s leadership team by identifying what talent is required and who will be successful in the recruitment process. Building close relationships with key senior management personnel always ensures a joined-up approach in the recruitment, talent management and selection processes. Ultimately, clients move forward with a new confidence that they are making the correct appointments after the findings of the assessment stage and recruiters cement long-term working partnerships with the client.
Moorcroft have worked with some of the biggest companies in the FM sector. We don’t just want to work with you, we want to understand your culture, your ambition and what kind of people fit your company. How do we do this? Well, we talk to real people and build real relationships. Technology is vital to all our work. However, it is no substitute for picking up the phone. This is what we do and our skill lies in identifying the right people – we pride ourselves on it! We have a proven track record and we strive to work with the best people for each project.
If you have a recruitment requirement, please contact Simon Moorcroft in the first instance.
Twitter: @MoorcroftRec