Demystifying FM Software

CMMS, EAM, IWMS, CAFM… stepping into the world of FM can certainly be confusing. To get the most out of your assets a facilities manager certainly has their work cut out in understanding todays software.

To understand these systems, we need to firstly break down the acronyms.

CAFM: A Computer Aided Facilities Management platform focuses on the physical workplace and everything in it. This software handles floor plan creation, space utilization, and more. It’s all about using space efficiently and accommodating workers.

IWMS: An Integrated Workplace Management System is your all-in-one way to manage facilities. It encompasses tools for everything from real estate portfolio management to floor plan creation and beyond. It’s the most inclusive tool in a facility manager’s arsenal.

CMMS: A Computerised Maintenance Management System focuses exclusively on handling facility maintenance requests. If a light bulb is burnt out or there’s a mess that needs cleaning up, this system coordinates everything, from request ticketing to task delegation and dispatching.

EAM: Enterprise Asset Management systems focus on managing assets, as their name implies. This means knowing how many computers and workstations you have, where your copy machines are located, etc. They also help keep these things on-track for maintenance, updates, and accounting.

Who uses an CAFM?

If your organization operates from physical premises, you can benefit from CAFM. There are no industry niches or other categorical divisions that exclude a business from reaping the benefits of a CAFM program. From tech start-ups to media conglomerates, any business that has space management, move management, space allocation or seat assignment needs can make effective use of CAFM. Digital marketing firms, call centres, manufacturing business offices, clothing labels, social networks, and many more are all prime candidates for CAFM efficiency improvements. Whether your office uses cubicles, communal desks or individual offices, the ability to track, analyse, and report on facility usage and space allocation will make a major positive impact on the way your organisation runs and your employees work.

Who uses an IWMS?

An IWMS is ideal for companies in heavily regulated industries, where it’s critical to maintain proper documentation about every space and asset. It also makes sense for large and fast-growing companies with multiple locations distributed across the country or the globe. Traditionally, facilities managers and corporate real estate leaders have been the most common users of IWMS software. However, that has been changing in recent years with the introduction of new technologies and the changing nature of the workforce.

Who uses an CMMS?

CMMS solutions can be found in almost every industry because they bring to the table substantial organisation, maintenance planning, control of maintenance and cost savings. CMMS users include facility and maintenance management, asset planners as well as maintenance staff.

The reasons CMMS solutions can be found in so many industries is because the CMMS is based on common sense. Common sense tells us there is no point doing something manually if it can be automated and reactive maintenance is always more expensive than planned maintenance.

Typical industries where CMMS can be found include but are not limited to:

  • Manufacturing

  • Ports

  • Utilities

  • Local governments

  • Property Management

  • Hotels and Resorts

  • Energy Plants

  • Oil, Gas and Mining

  • Hospitals and Clinics

  • Amusement Parks

  • Sports Stadiums and Arenas

  • Religious Institutions

  • Cable and Telecommunications

  • Building and Facility Management

  • Schools and Universities

Who uses an EAM?

To put it simply; it’s a mix of software and services used to control and maintain equipment and operational assets (property and equipment).

The purpose of EAM is to ensure:

  • Your company’s assets are as productive as possible

  • Operational costs are reduced

  • The quality of your assets is optimised

Enterprise asset management software helps businesses get an overview of their assets and their infrastructure. From commission to procurement and design, through to how something operates, is maintained, disposed, or replaced.

Types of companies that use this software vary. All kinds of industries benefit from using EAM, including:

  • Food production

  • Construction

  • Technology

  • Utilities

  • Pharmaceuticals

  • Oil and energy

The last 18 months has really been a shake-up in adaptability. Some facilities managers have embraced this time and flourished in testing times. Now that we understand some of the FM software out there you need to find people who can use it - more than that... people who can use it to its full advantage and make it work for you!

Moorcroft have worked with some of the biggest companies in the FM sector. We don’t just want to work with you, we want to understand your culture, your ambition and what kind of people fit your company. How do we do this? Well, we talk to real people and build real relationships. Technology is vital to all our work. However, it is no substitute for picking up the phone. This is what we do and our skill lies in identifying the right people – we pride ourselves on it! We have a proven track record and we strive to work with the best people for each project.

If you have a recruitment requirement, please contact Simon Moorcroft in the first instance.



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